The middle school is a natural continuation of the Terramar elementary school, understanding that the student is living through a stage of transition in which he or she is leaving his or her childhood to begin the path towards adolescence. The student learns how to self motivate, how to be creative, productive, responsible, and how to be a free thinker.
It is because of this that we foster in our students the love of learning. We also promote the application of their learning in real life situations, using their creativity and the different manifestations of their sensitivity in activities such as permaculture and ecological technology workshops, using art, theater, and music as tools of expression. Students strengthen their understanding of their body and spirit through somatic activities and meditation. They develop constructive critical thinking, the value of cooperation and community work, and respect for life and our surroundings through all of their activities. They learn about the responsibility implicated in living freely, and they learn how to establish clear and logical limits. They learn of democracy, and how to question freely and respectfully.
This way, the knowledge and aptitudes that students acquire are interlaced, achieving a quality, whole education.
This are some exaples of the art work that our students have produced.